Depression quotes : 8 Habits To Overcome Depression

Depression quotes – Hello friends, how are you? I hope you all are good. And doing best in your life. I hope that you all are mentally and physically healthy. The question will come to your mind why I am asking so? The reason is, that I trust that our life is very precious.

After long years of struggles and facing difficulties we come to the stage of happiness and peace. But all the phases of life are not the same, after happiness when we come to face sorrow.

That will bring us physical and mental illness. And yes depression is one of them. Today I am going to talk about habits that will help you to overcome depression. The next question in your mind will arise why I am going to talk on such a topic?

And in what way I am going to convey the awareness you should have to keep while dealing with such a phase in your life? Friends, what is depression or anxiety?

It is some kind of fear, frustration, anger and unwillingness. It is a mixture of all low vibrational emotions that are stoked into our minds and hearts. It is a very negative and sad feeling. Even though we know that it is a very sad, negative, and harmful state we continue to keep in that state.

In the end, it will show the effect on our overall life. Our brain and total body have to pay for this. Day by day come into that situation where all our physical, financial, and mental sides get down and down. So, as early as possible we have to cure this problem and fix it to live a very positive and happy life.

But before knowing how to overcome depression? Let’s find out the causes and symptoms of depression in very particular two lines. The main reasons for depression are disappointment, betrayal, and failure. I know all these are very powerful and at the same time painful activities that one human can bear at a most emotional level.

The effect of this pain will result in depression and anxiety. All these activities come into our lives suddenly when we are not prepared to face them. We at that time were unaware of how to deal with such things. We come into helpless mode. All these things will lead us to extreme levels of depression.

This all will reflect on our day-to-day life routine. We start to cut off from everyone, oversleep, stay awake constantly, think about only one thing or incident, get angry silly things at everyone, get too much or sometimes no food, and not seeing own physical appearance or how I am looking. having fear of public-facing, lack of confidence, not going outside instead of staying at home all the time, and ignoring people.

All the above stated are major symptoms of depression. As long as we sit in this state and not work against it manually we continue to get degraded. We become mentally and physically weak, financial conditions

start to be disturbed, and social identity will come to crack. All these are very sad, painful, and scary life events. But we have to keep patience.

Once in life we come across such unexpected and unwanted events so don’t get disappointed or disbalance. Be a very mature and happy-go-lucky person while facing such difficult situations in your life. Believe me, it is possible to overcome depression and anxiety. You can heal yourself to come out with a new versatile version of yourself. That will never break again easily. For that, all you need is just to adopt some habits in your daily life.

In this article, I am going to share 8 habits that will help you to overcome depression. And will make you smile naturally fit!

Now let’s see which are those 8 habits that will help you to overcome depression! Here I am going to elaborate on simple points that will help you to know how you should keep your habits to cure depression for a peaceful mind state.

so, let’s start from point one.

1. Stop blaming and start focusing on whatever you are doing – 

We should stop blaming ourselves and others for your current situation. Instead we need into state of realization and moving forward with positive initiative. Don’t argue with others for their support. Don’t expect or force to understand you. Just focus on your things. Try to make them excellent.

Give 100% there to make that perfect. Just have faith that god is listening and you will be fine. Keep patience. And start doing simple but creative things. Like cooking, painting, dancing, singing, teaching, start learning new skills. Invest time in these activities and try to be more proficient in it.

2. Taking rest and proper medical care –

Depression is a mental illness. Always remember every disease is not far from our body. So, even if we are mentally ill. Its effect will result in our overall body. When we face depression it’s very necessary to give proper rest to our body. At the starting state, you will find it difficult to go to sleep.

At that time try to give your mind some exercise. You can read books, talk to your loved ones, and watch some beautiful movies. Once you feel sleep is coming set your alarm to wake in the morning. On the next day when the alarm gets ringing switch it off. And lie in bed for the next two hours, don’t sleep just lie down. Close your eyes and just relax yourself.

Let all the thoughts come into your mind. Don’t react to them, just go with them very ease and calmness. This time will provide your body with healing and strength. Then wake up and make your bed. Get ready with all your daily morning activities.

Have your breakfast.

Even if you don’t want to eat. This is your primary duty towards your self-care. Depression is not a simple thing to take into consideration. It spoils your time, willingness, and most importantly your health. So, in this period you need to get proper medical care also. Take consultation with the doctor and get fit.

This is your secondary and most important duty towards yourself. Remember that these activities are your responsibilities no one is going to do them for you every day.

Surely others will help you but not more than 3 – 4 times. So, be at least that powerful you do not need to depend on anyone else to do your basic activities. Try to avoid conflicts with others. Don’t argue about anything, about the situation you going through.

Stay at some distance from everyone, but not fully detached. Your body is God’s gift and also a responsibility in return to god. So as much you love god love yourself too!

3. Be grateful for your meal –

Struggling in your work is one of the major reasons for depression. So, in any hard or bad condition, you just try to stay balanced. It may happen that your financial condition is not so good. So you can’t buy expensive food, food that not giving whole nutrition to your body.

It’s ok that you can’t afford expensive restaurants’ delicious food to fulfill your tongue and soul’s craving. Be thankful for having a food as it is. Because food is un avoided factor of our life. It is as important as we breathe. That’s correct, right? So, take your meal with very positive and satisfaction.

Don’t feel unlucky or sad about your meal, it is insulting and a very bad thing to do. So whenever you feel depressed please don’t let spoil your food. Be grateful for what is served on your plate. This feeling of consciousness will lead you to better days.

Remember all days do not remain the same. So when your good days come give a treat of delicious food to you.

4. self-love and nourishment –

Friends’ depression is like punishment to your life. I know you can’t bear it because all that happened was unexpected. Take some time to understand the situation and yourself. But after some time stop thinking about those things, don’t let your mind wander there only. The best way to take the initial step to come out of this state is to start loving yourself.

Start to take action to look good, smart, and confident. Give time for your mood swings and try to control and release them. Spend more time on your care.

Go shopping, garden to have a good time. Join a gym and make a good body. Build your strong and fit personality. Our body is a gift given by god take care of that. Book an appointment for a beauty saloon and have a transformation in your look. Always try to look beautiful not only by face but also from your nature and heart.

Be kind, polite, obedient, and nurturing. Give some positive words for yourself in front of the mirror. Heal your all hurts and traumas in silence and if possible alone.

Because no one is interested in your healing they are only interested in their benefits. So, keep your distance from all negative

people in your life in a good way.

Loving yourself never goes wrong because we value a lot. It may be in someone’s life, especially in our family, but in this universe know that the universe is very kind and loves you unconditionally. So, know your worth and this will come only from self-love and self-nourishment.

5. Cleaning –

Now it’s time for physical activity. So dear friends what makes it better than cleaning? So, prepare yourself now I am going to give you a task to start cleaning.

Clean your clothes, home, shoes, and bed. Start cleaning everything that irritates you. You won’t believe you feel peace and pride after making these small achievements.

Cleaning is a very high vibrational activity so don’t feel any embarrassment doing that. Why I am suggesting you start your new journey of life cleaning your things or places you loved the reason behind it is that after facing depression not only does your physical condition become weak but also your continuity towards your working abilities gets lost too.

So, try to gain your power by doing some easy and handhold activities. In this way, cleaning helps you to invest your time which will result in something beautiful and eye-pleasing.

So congratulations! you have taken your responsibility and initiative to create or recreate something beautiful. All the efforts you made are for your inner peace and happiness!

6. Paying gratitude for everything that you have –

Friends depression is painful and time-consuming. But trust yourself this cycle is going to break at the right time. This situation comes into your life for some purpose, to make you more strong and wiser.

So from my point of view take it as a golden opportunity to develop yourself and give yourself an identity. Think again about those who hurt you, betrayed you, or disappointed you are worth having you in their life.

No, my dear friends they don’t so know your worth as soon as possible and make distance from such people. Be thankful for god to saving you and giving you a second chance.

No one is as lucky as you whom god gave a second chance. Now you must choose your new path or waste it on old mistakes. After coming to this stage of your life the feeling in your heart, mind, and soul of only gratitude! gratitude! and gratitude!

You are a very powerful being and definitely can do something good and beneficial to others. Be thankful for everything that you have. Gratitude is a very valuable emotion we can pay towards others and god.

So, make your heart large to forgive everyone and leave things on a positive note.

7. Try to be financially independent in a good way –

Dear now you are coming to a very important point of your life. After understanding and following the steps stated above next step is being financially independent in a good way.

Our most of problems arise because we are financially dependent on others. So we are unable to decide for ourselves. Every time we need to get permission from them.

This causes us to stop our freedom and progress. So try to be financially independent. Do a job, business, or coaching. Once you are independent you will get confidence. That will turn into your self-worth and self-respect. Always keep in mind the way you choose to earn should be good and legal. 

This will help you to gain self-respect.

Dealing with depression itself is co-dependent so, at the initial stage being financially independent is a challenge. But don’t panic. Just take pause, think, and act according to to be financially independent.

Take a good education, learn new skills, and practice dealing with others. Make a good portfolio of your skills and most importantly your previous work done.

Try to gain strong experience in your work-related field. Being financially independent is a very big achievement. So, celebrate it! Now it’s your responsibility to give a good life to yourself.

Have good food, buy new clothes, all the things that you dreamed of. And do not forget to save! Hence this is the stage where you can say that you have beaten the battle of depression!

8. Forgetting sorrow and coming into a state of acceptance –

Once you overcome all the negative and staging barriers, your next duty is to forget sorrow and come into a state of acceptance. Be thankful to god for being there for you while walking difficult stage of your life journey.

My dear friends depression is not a simple thing to taking granted. So be very serious about this condition and start taking action to overcome this.  Try to come out of his illness.

Take consultation, talk about this with your family, be patient, and trust the process! Understand the fact that to overcome depression you have to take action mindfully.

And the first action is acceptance. Start accepting the present situation in you are! Believe that this is a second chance given by god to you to live and direct life as you want!

So come out of the loop of remembering all negative and bad events, and start accepting.

So, friends, these are some of the ways that may help you to overcome and beat depression. Start following all these activities you will  see good changes in your life.

So we concluded that with patience and good habits, we can beat serious levels of depression. Start believing in yourself. Be fearless and confident.

Choose the way of happiness and surrender. Remember instead of things holding back let them go! Release all your stubbled emotions and beliefs. Take a free breath!

Give you a brand new chance to live happily and worthy!

Thank you all for reading my article. If you like it please let me know and keep spreading it to your close ones.

Your life is precious live it fully!

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