Routine that will help you to start fresh and Productive Morning Everyday: Daily Morning Routine

Daily Morning Routine—Hello everyone, welcome to my blog. Today, I am going to discuss how our daily routine should be. Friends, do you know the most pleasant thing we can feel is starting anything?

Then, what is most beautiful than starting our day? Every day, we get a chance to start a brand new day. So, here I am going to discuss with you the daily routine plan.

Routine that will help you to start fresh and Productive Morning Every day. Follow this routine to justify your life purpose.

Daily Morning Routine  – Waking up early –

To start a successful meaningful day it is necessary to start our day early. So, set your alarm to simple possible time of 6 am. If you wake up at this time you will get enough time to get ready and you will get enough sleep.

So, you will feel fresh and active till the end of day. Once, you wake up, pay attention on your eyes. Clean them and rough your hands on your face for three times and be thankful for the new day. After that make your bed neat and clean. I have seen for college or job we stay away from our home.

So, there will be no one to care of our room. Sometimes because of less time we avoid or pay less attention to our bed condition. So, unwell bed you will get bad vibes when you come from your job.

Not only you, but also people who live with you. And this makes your habit and this is completely depressing or sign of irresponsible person.

Get Fresh –

Once you wake up, next thing to do is drink 4 – 5 sips of normal water. Then use toilet. Making habit of using toilet at morning your day will be more pleasant and productive. After that wash your hands by using either soap or handwasher.

After that clean your nose perfectly and wash your hands with soap or handwasher. Wash your face with one good quality face wash, having properties of cleansing and moisturizing.

Brush your teeth, brush every single angle of your mouth to clean teeth and your tongue. Spending more time for bushing teeth will avoid any early age dental illness. This is my personal experience.

Till I don’t have any teeth related surgery problem. Wash your mouth and wipe your face with clean cotton towel.

Have some base for your stomach –

After brush some intake in your stomach is necessary to don’t let your body drained out. Lukewarm water with some honey and lemon juice will be super choice to start your day with some healthy and fitness freak drink.

You can also go with hot coffee. Tea is also beneficial to add some energy to start your day and make productive and satisfying.

 Exercise and Meditate –

One thing you need fix in mind that, if you want go long in your life journey with healthy and wealthy you have to add exercise and meditation habit in your daily routine.

Going to gym is super thing. But if you are not able to join gym then some basic exercises you need to do at your own compulsory. You can practice with Surya namaskar exercise, Pranayama, Anuloma – Villoma, Om chanting while watching on breathing in Dhyanishta

position. After 15 – 20 minutes of exercise you must spent at least 20 minutes for meditation.

Closing your eyes and sitting in Dhyana mudra for 20 minutes will increase your psychic abilities. Breathing exercise will give huge benefits to overcome all the mental and physical obstacles that you facing in your life.

It will give you strength to deal with your life challenges and difficulties, problems. Do stretching exercises, that will help you to get flexibility in body. It also helps to increase your height.

Daily Morning Routine –  Get ready to go your job

Daily Morning Routine – After exercise and meditation, take a well bath. A good bath will give you refreshment through your whole day. Add some salt and Gulab Jal or neem essence in your bathing water.

This will make your aura strong and will provide protecting shield to your aura. After bath take your breakfast. A healthy and full of proteins breakfast is must in every morning. You should take tea, coffee, milk, fruits, bread – butter or any your favorite Indian dish like poha, idly, dosa, uppit.

Fruits are very important source of vitamins in your body. So, make habit of taking fruits in breakfast. Eating seasonal fruits are best choice to add in your daily eating habits.

After your breakfast then get ready to go your workplace, dress up and make up. Dressing up after having breakfast will avoid getting your dress dirty or to avoid any stains on your cloths.

This will also help you to set your stomach at proper digestion condition. Take all required material for your job. Now you can move to your job.

Please take into consideration you have to adapt in your daily morning routine even if you are student, doing a job or business or a housewife. Start follow this morning routine you will be amazed of seeing changes in your life.

Thanks for reading my article. Here, I will welcome you to develop your lifestyle to more consciousness and awareness. Keep reading. Keep supporting. If you want article on your favorite topic feel free to tell me. Please comment your topic in comment section. Thanks again!

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